Hilti Public Sector Catalogue
SMALL TOOLS, BIG SERVICE So you can get on with running your business
Always from Hilti
Fleet Management - all inclusive service
Tool Service - 3 days or FREE!
Tool Repair expertise Hilti tools are built to last, but if a breakdown does occur, you will have access to a dedicated Tool Service Representative to take care of it quickly and professionally. Working across the full Hilti portfolio, they can discuss the most effective repair options, make recommendations based on the tool repair history and provide guidance on how to proactively prevent issues in the future. Have a question relating to your repair? Contact Hilti Customer Services.
If your business is growing and you’ve got construction projects to plan, the last thing you need to be worrying about is organising tool repairs, paying maintenance charges or replacing stolen tools. Don’t sweat it! Let us manage your tool needs, so you can manage your business. Hilti Fleet Management is an all inclusive service where your tool costs are covered by a fixed monthly usage fee including all repairs, servicing, maintenance and even theft! This means no money up front and predicable costs in the future. For more info visit: www.hilti.co.uk/fleet-management
When you buy a Hilti tool, you get more than just a tool. You also get the super fast Hilti tool repair service. Super fast. Pleasantly predictable. Incredibly simple. Hilti Tool Service offers a complete no-cost period of up to two years, which includes all servicing, repair and maintenance costs as well as free pick-up and return. Following the initial no-cost period, repair costs are capped and Hilti promise a turnaround time on repairs
of 3 days or FREE! For more info visit: www.hilti.co.uk/toolservice
Call: 0800 886 100 Email: gbsales@hilti.com Live chat: www.hilti.co.uk/contact
www.hilti.co.uk | 0800 886 100
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